Friday, June 13, 2008

Here is what I've learned over the last two weeks

Man, this has been one heck of a two week period! I have learned a few things.

I need to pray and let God lead when things get tense and I get stressed. I haven't been handling that well at all. Our printer at work had a $4,000 part burn up last week. We found out what was wrong on Monday and everything just snowballed wrong from there. We just got it fixed Wednesday of this week. Then, yesterday, it was giving me trouble, and I freaked out again. I've got to stop doing that. I just need to go with the flow and let God lead.

Death really doesn't have an age. Last Monday, on June 2nd, my daughter's 6th, birthday, a teenager here in Lee County was killed in a car accident. Two of his best friends where seriously injured. It has been hard on a lot of people. Sunday is Martha Anne's birthday too. She would have been 12 this year. Her parents are going out of town to get their minds off of it all. I can't even imagine how they must feel. Death isn't cool at all. However, there is hope when you are a Christ follower, you have a promise of seeing that loved one again in sometimes, that helps.

I've learned that heat can be very draining. My middle son is on the Pee Wee All Star Team and we've had practice pretty much every day for two weeks. It's REALLY hot already here in south GA. It seems to get hotter earlier each year. Being in the heat has made me really tired.

My brother in law and sister in law have sold their house, and were moving to Iowa, but now they don't know where they will move. I was upset about the whole thing, then started getting used to the idea. Since it snows there, my husband said that we could fly to see them just after Christmas. I've never even been in enough snow to make a snow man, so I was excited. Then, they said that Iowa wasn't the answer. So, I'm praying with them, that God will send them to where they can serve Him. No one but God knows where that is right now. I don't really want them to leave. Jenny has been like a sister to me for the last 16 years. I have two nieces who I adore that I wouldn't get to see but a couple of times a year.

My dad is loosing his hearing and has to get hearing aids. He's not even very old.... he's like 58 or so. His health has been bad for a few years now, but he still hangs on. I had a babysitter for the summer, but it didn't work out, and he's going to keep the kids. I hope he can handle it. They really enjoy being around him. He's taught all three of them how to play chess. They "call dibs" on who gets to play against him first! Can you imagine? Most kids aren't even interested in a hard game like chess. He taught them how to play last summer when he kept them some.

We've got an extremely busy weekend ahead of us! I have a wedding tomorrow, Rick and the kids will go to my Grandma's family reunion. Then we've got a birthday party at 3pm, if we make it. I wanted to go see Kung Fu Panda tomorrow afternoon. Then, on Father's Day, we play our fist All Star game, at 2pm. Middle of the heat of the day! That, of course, is after a morning of church. So, it's safe to say by Sunday night, I'll be crashing and tired.

So, I guess this is a update blog on things. I know it sounds like ramblings... oh well guess that's ok too, huh?

What are you doing this weekend?

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