Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Jehovah's Witnesses

Please know off the bat, I'm not writing this to offend anyone.

Saturday morning, some time before lunch, we had a knock at the door. The kids answered, I was putting clothes in the dryer. It just so happened, I had my Pointe t-shirt on that says, "These ARE my church clothes."

Anyway, my husband and I both have Pointe stickers on the back windows of our vehicles. They are white stickers with black tinted windows. You can't help but see them. Our logo says, " a united methodist congregation" on it.

So, this is what bugs me. Why did they come on up to the door? They walked right past my car, and HAD to have seen the sticker. It's just there, and can't be missed.

When I realized who they were, I waved my hand and politely said "We're methodist. I work at my church, no thank you." I honestly don't even care that I'm methodist. I'm actually a Christian first and foremost, a Christ follower.... anyway...

I think visiting homes is just wrong. You are invading people's privacy. Especially when they didn't give you their information.

If I've read it right, JW's think they have to work for their salvation which is why they knock on doors. The Bible clearly says,

Ephesians 2:8-9 (New International Version)

8For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9not by works, so that no one can boast.

Do I need to tell people about Jesus? ABSOLUTELY! But do I need to knock on doors? I don't think so.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

JW's are definitely different. I can relate to feeling like they're invading your privacy.

About the whole "can't they see I already have a church etc." thing, well...you can say that about us, too. I personally know of a woman in my town who makes it very well known that she's Wiccan. Does that mean I shouldn't speak to her about Christ? A JW would be in that same mindset about you, whether they're right or not, you know?

Personally, I've felt kind of convicted about how I treat JW's that come to my door. I'm a representative of Christ. I should treat them like He would. Next time, I think I'll invite them in and tell them about MY Jesus. :)